Aiman El-Nahas has raised:

  • 100%


  • Your Goal:


    $3,177 raised!

Team UPP Team 1

  • $8,152.20
  • Raised

    so far

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    Sam Levenstein donated $100
    Dan Riverso donated $50
    Nadja Marcoz donated $100
    Arrow Global donated $500

    "Great cause! Good luck!!"

    Dr Ahmad Elnahas Medical Corporation donated $100
    Sandra Taube godard donated $250

    "Aiman. Well done to support this great cause with a unique value proposition. Good luck to the UPP team on June 12!"

    Daniel Lepore donated $100
    Amrinder Saini donated $1,001

    "Crush it!"

    Clay Khan donated $100
    David Canale donated $50

    "Good luck!"

    Joanne Liang donated $100

    "Such a great initiative!"

    Carlo Dilalla donated $100
    Peter Martin Larson donated $250
    Adrian Pasricha donated $101

    "Cool initiative Aiman - good luck at the event and with the fundraising for a great cause!"

    Jianjian Jin donated $75

    "Great work! "

    Sam Levenstein donated $100
    Anonymous donated $100

    "Go UPP Go!"