Gregory Lynch has raised:

  • 100%


  • Your Goal:


    $1,345 raised!

Team CPS Capital

  • $6,070.00
  • Raised

    so far

Donation Details

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    Nnadozie Ogbudibe donated $50

    "Jesu Aleselewi"

    Angelis Prattas donated $50
    Elizabeth Samuel donated $25
    Ema Hamitaj donated $25

    "Go Greg!!"

    Michael Scauzillo donated $50
    Myles Chase donated $25
    Asiyya Pisani donated $20
    Wayne B Kennedy donated $100
    Julia Ball donated $50
    Anonymous donated $50
    Paige O’gorman donated $50
    Cps Capital donated $250

    "Go Greg!!"

    Carole Andreoli Lynch donated $250
    John Lynch donated $250
    Gregory Lynch donated $100